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Graduates Explore Management and Leadership

Graduates of Cohort 24 of the Mandel School for Educational Leadership gathered for a session on management and leadership, as part of the Mandel Graduate Unit's continuation programs

​The graduates of Cohort 24 of the Mandel School for Educational Leadership, who recently completed their studies and returned to the field, came together in late November to explore issues involved in entering a new position, from the dual perspectives of management and leadership.

The meeting began with a round of personal updates, in which each graduate spoke briefly about his or her new position, and described the central challenge they are facing. This introduction was followed by a discussion moderated by Dr. Granit Almog-Bareket, director of the Mandel Graduate Unit, which explored management issues, leadership issues, and the differences between them. This was followed by a brief discussion of the article "Level Five Leadership – The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve," which examines the unique qualities of managers who lead their organizations to go “from good to great.” 

The graduates also discussed the difference between management that maintains the status quo and management that creates change and shapes a new future, and noted that every day offers each of us the opportunity to perform an “act of leadership” and influence the lives of those around us. The graduates also spoke about the sense of purpose held by people who know what their calling is, and discussed how this clarity guides them in choosing jobs and positions throughout their professional careers. In this context, the graduates were introduced to a conceptual approach developed by the Mandel Graduate Unit, which distinguishes between one's "role" (i.e., professional vision and calling) and one's "position" (i.e., particular job). The graduates were then invited to participate in a process of professional vision clarification in cooperation with the Mandel Graduate Unit.

At the end of the session, the graduates split into groups and studied the Harvard Case Study Method, in which managerial dilemmas are shared with colleagues. This method is based on utilizing the wisdom of the group, which makes it possible to see issues from other perspectives, to take a reflective distance from dilemmas and understand how they are seen by others, and to harness the wisdom of the crowd to find new ways to address the issues raised.

Graduates of Mandel Cohort 24 Explore Management and Leadership